My name is Bron and I am 44 years old. Last year was a huge time of transition for myself and discovery. I have a journey ahead of me and look forward to sharing it.

I was a paramedic for 10 years when I was diagnosed with PTSD and am no longer working on road. Now I am in a place in my life where I get to rediscover my self and how I want to live.

So far I have moved to Newcastle to be closer to my family and my partner. I have bought a townhouse and I discovered an amazing company called To Be Magnetic which has helped me in my healing process and how to move forward in my life.

I have never been married and I don’t have children. During my twenties I travelled a lot and never wanted to settle down, then I became a paramedic in a country NSW town and dating wasn’t easy. A couple of years ago I started the IVF process to have a child on my own as it has become a longing of mine to have a child. It is an incredible hard journey, anyone going through it will understand and for those who don’t, I highly recommend Big Miracles on 9NOW. Unfortunately, I have not been successful yet, but I have one embryo left and I am improving my health to get ready to try again, the journey of which I will share on here. 

Part of my healing process has included embracing my creative side. I love no longer wearing a uniform and expressing myself through the clothes and jewelry I wear. I am writing again, stopping to take photos when I see something beautiful, and making things. I love to paint, crochet and have discovered a huge love of gardening and can’t wait to get into my new place and start building my garden and decorating the house.

This isn’t my whole story and there are still plenty of bad days still. But I am healing, with To Be Magnetic, my counselling and all those who have supported me along the way I am getting to a better more authentic place. I hope to use this platform as a way of sharing my journey, introducing people to the things that are helping me and little bits and pieces of information that just might help. Head to my Favourites page which will have a list of the people, products, books etc that I have and continue to use in my life.

I wish you all the best on your journey.