About me

To start I am a 44-year-old woman starting a new life in a new city. It is a pretty daunting experience, but I am definitely enjoying the journey and the things I am learning about myself.

I have lived most of my life in the shadows, hiding myself from the world. I didn’t want to be noticed, I just wanted to fit in. It meant that I completely lost sight of who I truly, authentically am.

So, I am going to use this space to discover myself and the things I enjoy doing, places I enjoy going and the people I enjoy spending time with.

I am going to explore my creative side, my spiritual side and how to live as mindfully, authentically, sustainably and as ethically as possible. That includes the products I use, the books I read and the podcasts I listen to. As well as how I live my life including, how I decorate my new house to create a calm, safe sanctuary.

There will be a lot of experiments, lots of trial and error. I am human and life is all about learning. I hope you enjoy following my journey and I look forward to hearing your experiences.


