
Pain’s Hold

Some see pain as a weakness.

Something to be ignored or erased.

They push through the feelings,

Until it overwhelms them,

Causing a deeper wound.

And those they love, drift away.


Some wear pain as a thick cloak.

They wrap themselves in shame,

And hide it from the world.

Afraid to expose their vulnerability.

And those they love, drift away.


Some wear pain as a blindfold.

They refuse to see past it,

Lashing out at those who help.

They prefer the darkness,

Along with the desolation it brings.

And those they love, drift away.


Some use pain as a sharp weapon.

Hurting those around them.

Causing the same pain as theirs.

Watching as the others bleed,

And laugh in the face of their agony.

And those they love, drift away.


Some wear pain as a blank mask.

Hiding behind their smile.

Each day they put on a show,

Pretending to everyone around them.

But nothing can hide their eyes.

And those they love, drift away.


Some wear pain as a shiny jewel.

They wear it as an honour,

To show the world around them,

That pain can bring healing,

That pain can bring growth.

And those they love, want to stay.




Sober Curious