A Journey

We are told by society that we need to be a certain way. Since the time there has been one true god, woman have been told they are for one thing. To belong to a man. For the millions of years prior to that women were worshipped. We can create lives within ourselves, pure magic and miracle. Even science hasn’t figured out a fool proof way to conceive and carry to term a pregnancy.

We are led to believe that we should look and dress a certain way, act a certain way. The expectation for a woman to dress a certain way so as not to attract the wrong attention from a man. So it is the woman’s fault because the man is an asshole who can’t keep his hands to himself. Of course, silly women.

This ‘ideal’ has changed over the centuries. There was a time larger women were appreciated as they were thought to be better for carrying an heir as well as being seen as a symbol of wealth. Now women are made to believe they need to be slim and if they don’t fit that ideal they are considered wrong and unlovable.

These women are considered unlovable and are told this by society whether consciously or unconsciously. Some take advantage of this vulnerability for their own gain, then making that person feel as if they are in the wrong if they stand up for themselves.

If a woman is emotional, she is led to believe that people won’t take her seriously. If she wants a career then there is something wrong with her. Shouldn’t she want to get married and stay home and have children?

If we think about sex and have desires and fantasies then we are a slut. To find a safe place and community to live out these is the hardest thing to do for a woman and more often than not these thoughts are suppressed. A life is then half lived.

Women create life, women at any shape and size is beautiful. Women are capable of anything. Stories are written of women in control. Stories hidden away as a guilty pleasure. Women have desires and more than able to live these out. We shouldn’t have to hide who we are because society says there is something ‘wrong’ with us.

We belong to ourselves, we love who we choose, we have the right over our own affairs, we have the right to stand up for ourselves and walk away from unhealthy situations as much as anyone without the fear of repercussions. So many lives are lost because of these rights as humans are violated every day.

I am a woman and proud of who I am and how I live my life. Many of you know my journey and many of you don’t. I still hide parts of myself from the world, afraid of judgement. But I am learning to walk my way and embracing every part of myself. I hope every day that we all get the opportunity to be completely ourselves no matter how we choose to be.


Winter Solstice