Armchair Expert

Dax Shepard is a pretty interesting person. Yes he is an actor, yes he is married to Kristen Bell. But there is a lot more to him. He is incredible intelligent and has some amazing people on his podcast from scientist, authors and doctors to actors, singers, creative types. Dax has also struggled with addiction and often talks about his sobriety journey as well as his mental health struggles and his childhood. He is willing to be seen for who he is and to learn everyday to be a better person. 

Gone Rogue

This podcast is was started by Kate Gordon. She is an Australian Crossfit athlete and is an amazingly fit and strong woman, who doesn’t give a crap about other peoples opinions of her. She not only trains for Crossfit, she also has her own nutritional program and runs the podcast. Her and her partner talk about all aspects of sex, including their sex life as well as all kinds of health issues including mental health. She is open and honest willing to talk about most things.

The Darin Olien Show

If anyone has watched Zac Efron’s show on Netflix, Down to Earth, you will know who Darin Olien is. On the show he speaks with people about sustainable living, improving your nutrition and mental health. He has also written a book called Fatal Conveniences which goes into depth on the ‘conveniences’ we use everyday in our life and how they are actually harming us and the environment from the skin care we use, to our mobile phones and the chemicals we use to clean our houses.

Avant Gardeners

Emily and Maddie talk about gardening in a pretty easy to understand way. They learn, the listener learns. It is fortnightly show where they chat with professionals who inspire everyone to get into the garden. Lots of fun.