To Be Magnetic

To Be Magnetic is the work of Lacy Phillips. A few years ago, she was a waitress and actress following the new age rhetoric of trying to manifest an amazing life. However, nothing was happening. So, she dug deeper and through her own channeling abilities alongside energetic work and the study of neuroplasticity she came up with To Be Magnetic and her manifestation process which is scientifically proven to work. Lacy and her team have created Deep Imaginings, which are self-hypnosis mediations to help get to the subconscious blocks and shadows that may be holding you back from achieving your dream life. She has online workshops on love, money, career and delving deeper into your shadow and inner child. I have only been doing her work now for a couple of months and I am learning so much about myself and letting go of trauma that I have been holding onto for a really long time. I am yet to manifest big materialistic things, but for me the inner work is so much more important.

Expanded Podcast

I came across this podcast one day without really looking for it. I had a long commute to work, and I didn’t want to just listen to music, I wanted to learn something as well. I have experimented with podcasts before but never really stuck with them. But expanded I loved straight away. Ater going through a lot in the last couple of years and feeling like I had hit a rock bottom I really wasn’t sure where I was going. This podcast has led me to some amazing authors and inspiring people who have achieved their dreams and live a truly authentic life. This podcast is a great introduction to the To Be Magnetic work. Lacy Phillips who created To Be Magnetic, completely lives her work, she is relatable and open and honest about everything in her life and through the podcast we hear her manifestations and meet her expanders that have helped her get where she is today. Please go ahead and listen to the podcast, I can’t recommend it enough.