I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) last year after being a paramedic for 10 years. Prior to the diagnosis and going off road, my mental health had been declining for some time. The impact of things I dealt with in my job on a regular basis piled on top of everything until I broke.

Living with PTSD has been a daily struggle that has deeply impacted my life. The condition manifests after experiencing a traumatic event or series of events, causing intense emotional distress and disrupting normal functioning. Those with PTSD often face a range of symptoms that can be debilitating and challenging to manage. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I didn’t want to leave my house and I developed really bad social anxiety, that I still struggle with.

One of the hallmark features of PTSD is intrusive memories related to the traumatic event. These memories can take the form of flashbacks, nightmares, or distressing thoughts that intrude upon a person's consciousness unexpectedly. Individuals with PTSD may find themselves reliving the traumatic experience as if it is happening in the present moment, leading to heightened feelings of fear, anxiety, and helplessness.

Alongside intrusive memories, individuals with PTSD often experience hyperarousal symptoms, such as increased irritability, difficulty concentrating, and an exaggerated startle response. These symptoms can make it hard to focus on daily tasks, interact with others, or feel safe in their surroundings. The constant state of alertness and hypervigilance can be mentally and physically exhausting, leading to a sense of chronic fatigue and emotional depletion.

Avoidance behaviors are another common aspect of living with PTSD. In an attempt to cope with the overwhelming distress caused by reminders of the traumatic event, individuals may avoid certain places, people, or activities that trigger their symptoms. While avoidance can provide temporary relief, it ultimately reinforces feelings of isolation and disconnection from the world around them.

Furthermore, individuals with PTSD may struggle with negative changes in mood and cognition. They may experience feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame related to the traumatic event. These emotions can erode self-esteem and lead to a persistent sense of hopelessness and despair. Additionally, cognitive difficulties, such as memory problems and negative beliefs about oneself or others, can further exacerbate the challenges of living with PTSD.

The impact of PTSD extends beyond the individual experiencing the condition and can affect their relationships, work, and overall quality of life. Close relationships may become strained as partners, family members, and friends struggle to understand and support their loved one with PTSD. Work performance may suffer due to difficulties concentrating, managing emotions, or interacting with colleagues. Overall, the pervasive nature of PTSD can make it feel like an insurmountable obstacle to leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Despite the significant challenges posed by PTSD, effective treatments are available to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their well-being. Therapy, particularly trauma-focused approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), can help individuals process their traumatic experiences and develop coping strategies to reduce symptoms. Medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs, may also be prescribed to alleviate specific symptoms of PTSD. I have found learning to be more caring and compassionate and living mindfully has helped in moving through some of the trauma. Though medication has helped as well.

Living with PTSD is a complex and multifaceted experience that requires patience, compassion, and support. By seeking help from mental health professionals, building a strong support network, and engaging in self-care practices, individuals with PTSD can begin to heal and reclaim their lives from the grip of trauma. Though the road to recovery may be long and arduous, with time and dedication, it is possible to find moments of peace, healing, and hope in the midst of the storm.


Sober Curious

