This is me

Today I posted on Instagram about my journey over the last three years and the trauma and being diagnosed with PTSD. The last few years have not been easy, with bad break ups, going through the IVF journey and having a miscarriage, to finally getting my diagnosis last year and going off work. 

I am finally getting a place where I want to talk about the things, I have been through to hopefully help someone else that is going through a hard time. We all go through hard times and suffering; we all have our own journey through this life, and we all find our own way through it. I am not saying at all that my way is the only way. But I have found reading other people’s journey has inspired me or shown me things I may not have thought about doing.

There are a few things I want to try, including talk therapy which I have been doing for months, using the To Be Magnetic pathway to get deeper into who I am, as well as various biohacking techniques to heal my body. Things like infrared sauna’s, natural organic food, liquid mushroom drops, as well as going back to the gym and getting back to yoga. 

The central theme around all of these things is rediscovering who I am, my spiritual path and where I am headed in the future. I want to get to my authentic self, find out who she is and live my life from that place. I am tired of just surviving in this life, I want to thrive. I don’t want to just exist, I want to create and be seen.

I know it is a long path, I still have my bad days and will continue to do so. I will take two steps forward and three back at times. But a journey isn’t about taking the easy path, it is about trying new things, pushing beyond the comfort zone, and sometimes by jumping off a cliff and taking a chance.

I am excited and scared about being vulnerable and showing people the good and the bad along the way. But this is my life to live, I will live it my way to figure out how good it can get for me.



